New Truck Owner? Be Aware of Your Truck's Limits

New Truck Owner? Be Aware of Your Truck's Limits

    2024© New Truck Owner? Be Aware of Your Truck's Limits
    About Me
    New Truck Owner? Be Aware of Your Truck's Limits

    My father had a pickup truck as I was growing up, and I loved riding in it. When I was finally old enough to drive, I found a great deal on a compact car that was too good to pass up on my part-time job budget. When I finally made enough cash to trade in my car for a pickup truck, I was excited to drive that baby around town. I went driving out in the country immediately to see what my new truck could do, but I got into trouble fast and got stuck in the mud. A tow truck was able to get me out, but my friends never forgot about that day and still tease me about it. I wanted to make a blog to share my automobile tips and what I have learned about tow trucks since then. I hope you enjoy my posts!