New Truck Owner? Be Aware of Your Truck's Limits

New Truck Owner? Be Aware of Your Truck's Limits

When To Use An Emergency Towing Service Instead Of A More Standard Towing Service

Christine Brooks

There are many companies out there that offer towing services of various types. Some companies will make arrangements with customers days in advance to pick up their vehicles and transport them to where they need to be taken, for example. However, some towing services actually offer emergency towing services. If you know that you want to have your vehicle repaired in a couple of weeks, using a regular service and making arrangements for the tow in advance might not be a problem. In the following scenarios, however, you may need to call an emergency towing service to help you deal with your vehicle issue.

You Need a Tow Late at Night

Many towing services only offer services during certain hours of the day. For example, some companies only work during their regular business hours. However, there are emergency towing services that offer services all throughout the night. If you need a tow late at night, then you might not even get an answer if you call a regular towing service. If you call an emergency service, however, they should send someone out there no matter what time of day it is.

You Need to Have Your Vehicle Repaired Quickly

If you need to have your vehicle repaired as quickly as possible, then you probably need to get your car to the shop as quickly as possible, too. In this situation — such as if you rely on your vehicle as your only form of transportation — then there are two things that you might need to do. First, you may need to call around and pick a repair shop that will get started on the repairs right away. Then, you should call an emergency towing service so that you can have your car towed to that repair shop right away. Hopefully, soon, your vehicle will be back in good repair.

You're Afraid Your Car Will Be Towed By Another Company

If your vehicle is currently parked in a private parking lot or in another similar location, you might be concerned that the property owner or another party will call a towing company to tow your vehicle anyway. However, if this ends up happening, you may have to pay more for the tow than if you made arrangements on your own, and you might not have much or any control over where your vehicle is towed to. In this type of situation, it's often best to hire an emergency towing service instead, before the property owner can send someone out to tow your vehicle themselves.

For more information, contact a company like Jay Wright Towing LLC.


2024© New Truck Owner? Be Aware of Your Truck's Limits
About Me
New Truck Owner? Be Aware of Your Truck's Limits

My father had a pickup truck as I was growing up, and I loved riding in it. When I was finally old enough to drive, I found a great deal on a compact car that was too good to pass up on my part-time job budget. When I finally made enough cash to trade in my car for a pickup truck, I was excited to drive that baby around town. I went driving out in the country immediately to see what my new truck could do, but I got into trouble fast and got stuck in the mud. A tow truck was able to get me out, but my friends never forgot about that day and still tease me about it. I wanted to make a blog to share my automobile tips and what I have learned about tow trucks since then. I hope you enjoy my posts!